This Holy Week, many American church leaders are facing an unprecedented question: How do we conduct Holy Week at Home services?

Even those who are not from more sacramental traditions have come to rely on Easter as a key connecting point throughout the year with their congregations.

Missio Alliance has curated these resources to help support you and your churches this year for Holy Week:

Our New Reality: Holy Week at Home by Bob Hyatt

The Malady of a Second-Rate Salvation by Michele Hershberger

Jesus’ Final Week: a free Lifeguide Bible Study from InterVarsity Press (IVP). Use the code MISSIOHW; discount will apply at checkout.

Lenten Resources from IVP 40% off and free U.S. shipping

Good Friday

A Good Friday Journey (Video Resource) by Michele Hershberger

Online Simplified Stations of the Cross- the Ecclesia Network

An excerpt from Michael Card’s A Violent Grace (excerpt is from A Violent Grace by Michael Card. Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Card. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.

An At Home Good Friday Liturgy Outline

How to Conduct a Tenebrae Service at Home

A Prayer of Lament During Pandemic

Stations of the Cross Simplified

Printable Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross on the Street intro video by Keas Keasler

Stations of the Cross on the Street Guide example

Communion During Corona by Bob Rognelian

Easter Sunday

Our hope is that these resources, as well as this entire season of quarantine, will renew the imaginations of Christian leaders and demonstrate that the power of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection which knows no boundaries and can transform us all even as we celebrate Holy Week at home.