An Online Course in Post Modern Theology?

Yes. I’m teaching an on-line readings course on postmodern philosophy/theology this summer. Interested?

Reading postmodern (Continental) philosophy can be a challenge to say the least. Yet a working knowledge of the basic authors can be invaluable when reading theology after the postmodern turn. Geoff Holsclaw (Ph.D. student at Marquette, part of the emergent village coordinating group, co-founder with me of Up/rooted an emergent cohort, and co-pastor with me at the Vine) and I are teaching a 10 week on-line course this summer covering some major authors in postmodern thought and theological responses to it. Northern seminary is offering it. Anyone can take it for credit that has an undergrad degree. You just have to register as either a visiting student or a student-at-large. You can of course transfer the credit to another seminary.

After the course, you should walk away with a good introduction to postmodern thought. We’ll be tackling postmodern theorists like Foucault, Derrida, Levinas, Irigaray, Kristeva as well as theological responders like Rollins/Caputo, Milbank, Hauerwas and Rebecca Chopp. As prerequisites, I am recommending that you already have a basic knowledge of philosophy (say an “Intro to Philosophy” course) and theology (the basic Systematic Theology classes) to take the class. But if you’re really interested in taking the course, and don’t have these pre-requisites, please e-mail me via Northern and we’ll talk about whether the class makes sense for you.

Here is a link, if you want more information on the course. If you want a copy of the syllabus, please e-mail here.