Aaron Niequist on Why Pastors, Priests, and Guides Deserve a Retreat

Aaron Niequist is a liturgist, writer, in New York City. After leading worship at Mars Hill Church (Grand Rapids, MI) and Willow Creek Church (Barrington, IL), Aaron created A New Liturgy- a collection of modern liturgical worship recordings. Shortly after, Aaron started a discipleship-focused, formational, ecumenical, practice-based community at Willow Creek called The Practice. Since writing ‘The Eternal Current: How a Practice-Based Faith Can Save Us from Drowning’, he’s continued to create resources to help us all flesh it out.

You can find Aaron’s book, music, and other resources on his website, and you can follow him on Twitter, @aaronieq.

This retreat is for exhausted spiritual leaders who are looking for holy space, godly spiritual guidance, and new personal practices.

Many of us spiritual leaders spend so much time helping others participate, that we miss out on the fullness of the invitation. In an attempt to help our communities live “unforced rhythms of grace”, we accidentally stumble into “forced rhythms of stress”. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s been said that “The way we do anything is the way we do everything”, and Jesus Christ humbly invites us to baptize our entire lives—even the work of ministry—into God’s deep streams of Life.

Learn more about the Pastors, Priests, and Guides Retreat here.


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