S8: E8 “Light As Air” with Jonny Morrison

We are pleased to introduce our guest, Dr. Jonny Morrison, a graduate of Northern Seminary. Dr. Jonny joins the podcast to talk about his new book, “Light as Air.”

Jonny Morrison is a church planter, pastor, and writer known for his integration of creativity, spirituality, and culture. Jonny and his wife, Tory, live in Salt Lake City, where they like to explore, host their friends, and spend time outdoors. Jonny graduated from Western Seminary with an MA in biblical and theological studies and received his doctorate of contextual theology from Northern Seminary. You can find more of Jonny’s work at jonnyis.com.

Grab the book here: https://wipfandstock.com/9781666713152/light-as-air/

Remember to sign up for our Theology & Mission Lectures with Sarah Coakley. If you want to study with us and other scholars like Greg Boyd, Nijay Gupta, Jeannine Brown, Lyn Cohick, Drew Hart, Jonathan Tran, check us out at www.seminary.edu


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