Latest Articles

Remembering For the Sake of Our Souls

Jesus As Entrepreneur (and Other Unhelpful Leadership Metaphors)

Learning a Better Way to Practice Mission

The Immigrant Canary Stuck in the American Evangelical Coal Mine

Faithful Mission Through The Chaos (Part 2)

Faithful Mission Through The Chaos (Part 1)

Character (Still) Matters

Discerning 2024: Our Leading Voices

Sabbath Isn’t About Stopping

In Christ, God Has Drawn Staggeringly Near

The Welcome Rise of Co-Vocational Church Planters

The Longest Night in the South: Winter is a Time for Enchantment

Reflections on Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church (Pt. 3)

Reflections on Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church (Pt. 2)

Sexism in the Church Decreases Missional Effectiveness

Reflections on Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church (Pt. 1)

Advent: Watching and Waiting for God

The Reign of Christ the King (A Sermon Feast)

Radical Discomfort: The Crux of Incarnational Mission

Helping them Stay: Mature Believers and the Local Church (Pt. 2)

Helping them Stay: Mature Believers and the Local Church (Pt. 1)

Does Character Matter in Our President?

Christianity’s Growing Cultural Identity Crisis

Biblical Justice Includes Justice for Women

Faithful Responses to Election Results

Rise Above: Why Politics Matter, But Not As Much As Your Soul

We Are Not Exiles; We Are Babylon

Agreeing with Time: The Art of Dying Well

Rewilding the Mission of the Church

Who Gets the Bigger Share of God’s Love?

Pray Your Rage

The Theology of a ‘Bombera’

Faithful Approaches to Politics

Reconciling to Place

Can Christian Leaders Hope to Flourish?

Maroon Church: Desert Wisdom for Fugitive Worlds

Racism Hinders Spiritual Formation

Coping with Persistent Relational Isolation as a Pastor of Color

El Encanto Latino: Un Regalo Para La Iglesia

The Latino Encanto: Gifts for the Church

Acompañamiento: The Sacred Between Us

Restoring A Masterpiece: God’s Tender Care For Sexual Assault Victims

Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church

Spiritual Formation In My Mundane (Actual) Life

The Costco Run: Confronting My True Self

Every Woman Has a Story (of Sexism)

Arise and Shine: Missional Living that Boldly Confronts

My Country Isn’t The Kingdom

Jesus as CEO (and Other Unhelpful Leadership Metaphors)

The Ongoing Journey of Becoming a Trauma-Informed Pastor

The Common Good: What is Freedom For?

Walking Toward Shalom: Hospice Wisdom for a Declining Church

Finding Our Voice: Introducing the 2024 Writing Fellows Cohort

What Art Does: An Artmaker’s Wisdom on Life and Leadership

Seek the Welfare of the City

Unexpected Disaster (The Broad Path)

Listening to Black Voices Experiencing Oppression

A False Dichotomy: Am I Black or Am I Christian?

Walking Amongst Our Dry Bones