A New Blog Conversation on Being #TrulyHuman…and a Call for Submissions!

In just 4 months, we will be hosting our 2nd North American Gathering in Alexandria, Virginia. The theme of the event is Being Truly Human: Re-Imagining the Resurrectional Life, and we want to take time here on the blog to explore this theme in the months leading up to our time together. In fact, we are going to make our Blog Conversation theme “Being #TrulyHuman” from now until May!

Our Writing Team will be exploring a variety of angles on what it means to be human in light of the resurrection, shining light on diverse theological, cultural, and anthropological topics. We’ll be answering questions like:

  • What is the meaning and significance of the imago Dei (image of God)?
  • How have we underemphasized the resurrection in theology and practice?
  • How does the concept of “new creation” impact our lives in creation and culture?
  • What applications of the “truly human” theme do you see for justice, equality, and compassion issues?
  • How does the resurrection and the new humanity impact our sense of identity?
  • What is the significance of resurrectional theology for the contextual life & witness of local churches?

And More…

We plan to have contributions from those who will be presenting at the gathering and we’d love for you to join in this conversation!

If you’d like to submit an article for this series…

  1. Download and read over the Missio Alliance Writing Framework to get a sense of what we’re after.
  2. Draft a post of 600-1,200 words and send it to us at writing@missioalliance.org.
  3. Be sure to include a brief (<100 words) bio including any social networking links and your picture.
Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at http://missioalliance.org or on social platforms @missioalliance.