Nicole Watts
Nicole Watts is a resident of the Northside neighborhood of Syracuse, NY and Founder/Executive Director of Hopeprint, a grassroots, neighborhood-based organization empowering resettled refugees to thrive. Through practicing hospitality, personalized mentorship and community collaboration, Nicole and the team at Hopeprint live among 13,000+ resettled refugees, opening up their homes and lives to their neighbors. With a decade of experience in the local church serving as an ordained minister, Nicole has a passion for the Church to collectively follow the teachings and example of Jesus to love the most vulnerable among us as image bearers of our God.
Nicole Watts
Nicole Watts is a resident of the Northside neighborhood of Syracuse, NY and Founder/Executive Director of Hopeprint, a grassroots, neighborhood-based organization empowering resettled refugees to thrive. Through practicing hospitality, personalized mentorship and community collaboration, Nicole and the team at Hopeprint live among 13,000+ resettled refugees, opening up their homes and lives to their neighbors. With a decade of experience in the local church serving as an ordained minister, Nicole has a passion for the Church to collectively follow the teachings and example of Jesus to love the most vulnerable among us as image bearers of our God.