Tracy Mathews
Tracy Mathews has been the spark of energy behind Attune since it began in 2016. Honored to be tasked with cultivating relationships with an array of inspiring organizations, Tracy loves accompanying leaders on the attunement journey as they discover more of the goodness God has for them, their teams and their organizations. Prior to launching Attune, Tracy led strategy and business development for Coskata, Inc., an early-stage industrial biotech company, and has also held positions at McKinsey & Company and the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. She holds a BS in Engineering from the University of Washington, and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Tracy and her husband Jeff enjoy frequent campfires and occasional water balloon fights with their two sons.
Tracy Mathews
Tracy Mathews has been the spark of energy behind Attune since it began in 2016. Honored to be tasked with cultivating relationships with an array of inspiring organizations, Tracy loves accompanying leaders on the attunement journey as they discover more of the goodness God has for them, their teams and their organizations. Prior to launching Attune, Tracy led strategy and business development for Coskata, Inc., an early-stage industrial biotech company, and has also held positions at McKinsey & Company and the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. She holds a BS in Engineering from the University of Washington, and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Tracy and her husband Jeff enjoy frequent campfires and occasional water balloon fights with their two sons.