May 9, 2014 / David Fitch

Carolyn Update # 14

An update from Carolyn’s husband, Frank:

Sisters and Brothers:

I am especially grateful today. Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, Carolyn and I had our first post-operation appointment with her surgeon. We knew this was the point where the rubber met the road because we would be discussing the definitive pathology report. The news was wonderful—no chemo and no radiation follow up treatment. The pathology report confirmed that it was early stage cancer and that the surgeon got everything. The surgeon reassured us that the future is bright.

CCJ wept on the way home. She was overwhelmed that an inconvenient visit to the ER in Portland, Oregon late last year when she was on the road led to the discovery of the problem. If not for that inconvenient visit, we would never have known about the cancer. CCJ’s tears were tears of gratitude.

CCJ is still in recovery mode and is still battling pain. But this good news was healing in itself.

Thanks for your prayers.