Latest Articles

The Blessing of Discomfort: A Global Church Perspective

Injecting the Tonic of Humility: Could Political Healing Come From An Unexpected Quarter?

I Need A Good Shout!

The State of the Church in America Through the Lens of Contemplation

Informed But Not Transformed: The Power of Art in Our Formation (Pt. 2)

Informed But Not Transformed: Critiquing the Banking System of Education (Pt. 1)

The Disruption of Life

2023: A Year In Review

Politic, Not Party

Reflectively Listening to a New Year

Rachel Weeping for Her Children

Advent: Expressible Joy

Advent: The Nexus of Humility, Justice, and Joy

The Church Needs Women’s Lofty Dreams

Hungry People and Full People

Holding Vigil: Beneath a Binary Perspective on the Israeli War in Gaza

Empty Nest: How a Ritual Helps Us Process the Losses and Gains of Our Kids Leaving Home

Disrupting Legacies of White Supremacy in the Church

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Nine Lessons For Christian Leaders (Who Also Happen To Be Female)

Loneliness is the Penalty for Women Leaders

Finding Rest Amidst the Days of Labor

Metanoia: Wholehearted Change in Unprecedented Times

Dr. King Shines a Light Forward for Justice Work Today (‘I Have A Dream’ 60th Anniversary Version)

Negotiating Difference (Hopeful Realism, Pt. 3)

Interrogating ‘Tough Guy’ Masculinity

The American Church: Has God Left The Building?

Excessive Spirituality (Hopeful Realism, Pt. 2)

Surprised by God at Tables: Extending the Eucharist Into the Neighborhood (Pt. 2)

Origin Stories Matter: On Juneteenth

The Three Waves Metaphor: How Culture Shapes the Way We Work for Justice

Searching for a Robust Spirituality in a Doomscrolling World (Hopeful Realism, Pt. 1)

Dr. King Shines a Light Forward for Justice Work Today

Five Ways Deconstruction Can Deepen Faith Without Devolving into Demolition

The Sights & Sounds of Awakenings 2023

Recent Developments in the CRT Culture Wars

The Words We Store In Our Hearts

Practicing Pilgrimage

A Manifesto to Heal My Writer Heart

Economics Within the Reality of the New Creation (Captive to Capitalism, Part 4)

A Clear Vision for the Future: The Corrective Lens of Black Theology (Pt. 2)

Truth-Telling: A Just Movement Toward Human Flourishing (More Than Words, Pt. 1)

Loving One’s Enemy as an Act of Liberation (Loving Our Enemies, Part 2)

Is Loving One’s Enemies in a World of Trauma Another Form of Oppression? (Loving Our Enemies, Part 1)

Disrupted Giving: An Uncomfortable Opportunity (Part 2: The Future of Giving)

Disrupted Giving: An Uncomfortable Opportunity (Part 1: The Origins of Giving)

Want to Dismantle Racism? Disrupt Your Discipleship

The Myth of the 93%: Fathers and Mothers Are Not a Competitive Hierarchy in the Home

Formation for a Newly Disrupted Generation

The Pursuit of Justice Through Proximity, Advocacy, and Faith-Rooted Activism

Understanding Branding Before You Market Your Church (Captive to Capitalism, Part 2)

The Power of Truth-Telling and Lament

Learning from the Margins: The Difference Between Human and Kingdom Power

A Dialogue on Kingdom and Country with Angie Ward

Lessons from the Desert: How Frustration with the Church May Be an Invitation of the Spirit

Examining How the Economy Disciples Us (Captive to Capitalism series, Part 1)

“So Much Trauma”: WandaVision as Metaphor

Are We Underdogs or Overlords? How Western Christians Can Lose Power Gracefully

The Continued Problem with Thoughts and Prayers