March 15, 2013 / David Fitch

Is the church a place to hear good preaching? or more “prodigal” than that?

Here’s one of our intro video shorts on Prodigal Christianity. The release date is coming next week. In this short video we’re reviewing chapter 7 where we ask, Is the church the place where we come to hear good preaching? or to be trained to love people? or is it more? the site for the in-breaking KIngdom in our midst into the world? There’s more video shorts on each chapter on the book’s FB page here. FOR MORE CONVERSATION ON THIS JOIN US THIS Saturday, Mar 23rd 6 p.m. at Northern where I’m speaking on the “main idea of the book.” Everyone is invited (and if you indicate you are “going” on the FB page you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free book WHOEEEE!).