December 17, 2010 / David Fitch

On Popular Demand – The Subversive Manger Scene Again – This Time A Better Picture

There was alot of demand for a better picture of the “subversive manger scene” from comments and e-mails generated from this post a few weeks ago. Thanks to Scott Erdenberg, I now have this picture of the same scene when it was displayed in front of our Life on the Vine‘s meeting place four years ago. Feel free to use it. If you use it, give all the credit to Brian Christensen, an artist at Life on the Vine who thought this up and constructed it. Blessings on your Christmas season as we enter into the fullness of this time – as we center our lives in “Christ with us” – and all that God calls us into in terms of carrying the presence of Christ himself into the world by the Spirit. Let us bring His peace into wherever we live and work this Christmas!