Greater Works: Living with a Naturally Supernatural Power


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Of the many reasons for Jesus coming, one of the most often overlooked is that he came to make way for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on “all flesh.” Dallas Willard was fond of saying that the Spirit was given in succession to Jesus so that Jesus might be everywhere that he needed to be – through the Church in particular.  John’s gospel reminds us that, “it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send Him to you.” Clearly, the Spirit was sent to empower the Church to continue the ministry of Jesus beyond the time of his bodily presence. If that is true, how is it that so few Christians experience the sort of life that Jesus envisioned for us? Perhaps our discipleship needs a recovery of the Spirit. This forum will explore how a recovery of life in the Spirit leads to a more robust discipleship for followers of Jesus.

WSUMC Sanctuary: Tara Beth Leach (host), Tammy Dunahoo, MaryKate Morse, Todd Hunter, Donnell Wyche