Is a Reformed Renewal of New Testament Discipleship Possible TODAY?


SKU: OFM-REF-W0203 Category:


Rigorous research, commitment to the Reformed Faith and life- changing spiritual experiences lead the presenters to answer the following questions in ways that may astound and transform your life: What did “disciple” mean to Jesus and other 2TJ rabbis? Were NT believers discipled into the faith or evangelized in a way similar to today’s decisional models? Why did John Stott lead the call for an International Consultation of Discipleship before he died and what did its 450 participants from 54 countries conclude? Why is there a shi in missiology from advocating CPMs (Chuch Planting Movements) to DMMs (Disciple Making Movements)? And just how “reformed” are the Disciple Making Movements that are globally emerging? How can healing prayer and lay-led Discovery Bible Studies become a valid and vital part of Reformed ministries here and abroad today?