What Happens When Churches Show Up and Stay Put




Too often ministry approaches can gloss over the critical self-reflection necessary to engage neighborhood ecologies well.

This webinar will give you a biblically and theologically embodied approach to engaging neighborhoods!

Our calling to both individual and collective church ministry consists of engaging the world with more integrated approaches taking: personal calling, place, and prophetic engagement into weighty consideration. Yet too often ministry approaches can “gloss” over the critical self reflection necessary to engage neighborhood ecologies well.

Join us as Pastor Jose Humphreys offers a framework to help church leaders take discipleship seriously in their context, calling them to show up, stay put, and see what God is doing in their midst. Combining spiritual formation with activism, vivid narrative with exhortation, and realism with hopefulness, Humphreys offers pastors, ministry leaders and church planters a thoughtful look at discipleship in a complex world.

In this Webinar, you will: 

  • Learn a biblically and theologically embodied approach to engaging neighborhoods
  • Discover a framework you can readily use in your own context


Author José Humphreys

About José: José Humphreys is a facilitator and pastor of Metro Hope Covenant Church, a multiethnic and multicultural church in East Harlem, New York City. Humphreys is involved in shalom-making in New York City through facilitating conversation, contemplation, and action across social, economic, cultural, and theological boundaries.




Special Host: David Swanson

About David: David Swanson is the founding pastor of New Community Covenant Church, an intentionally multiracial congregation in Chicago’s Bronzeville community, and serves as CEO of New Community Outreach, a nonprofit working to reduce causes of trauma in the neighborhood. He is a former Director of Church Planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church and the author of a forthcoming book with InterVarsity Press, Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity.