All Session 2 Awakenings Workshops


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This bundle includes the following workshops:

  1. 5Q: Unleashing the Ministry of Christ in the Body of Christ | Alan Hirsch & David Bailey
  2. Contemplative Charismatics: A Non-Dualistic approach | Brian Zahnd & Rich Villodas
  3. Hearing God in Our Informational Echo Chambers: How to Decipher God’s Voice When We’re Drowning in Information Yet Thirsty for Transformation | A.J. Swoboda & MaryKate Morse
  4. Holy Spirit, Holy Script, Holy Improv: What the Spirit Wants Us to Do With the Bible | Glenn Paauw & Pavi Thomas
  5. How Can Families Grow Through Service Together? Integrating Spirit-Led Family Discipleship and Community Engagement | Wes Furlong & Akeia Rossiter
  6. Prayer-Walking for the Sake of Mission | Shannon Kiser, Michael Beck, J.R. Briggs, Kristen Beckert
  7. Receiving Prophetic Guidance & Words of Knowledge | Todd Hunter & Greg Brewer
  8. Spirit-Empowered Work with Children & Youth | Hannah Gibney & David Wrigley
  9. The Black Evangelical Moment: Will the Rest of the Church Listen to the Spirit’s Work among Black Evangelicals? | Esau McCaulley & Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
  10. Utilizing the Charismatic Gifts in a Mission-Based Church | Veron Fosner & Mia Chang

* The Church Among the World: On the How of Tending to The Holy Spirit’s Work in The World | David Fitch & Mandy Smith was part of the Session 2 workshops but was not recorded.