Beyond Personal Empowerment: The Ministry of the Spirit Among the Neighborhood


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Over the course of the last decade there has been an increasing openness to the discernible action of the Holy Spirit among segments of the body of Christ that would have, historically, been very closed. Some have even suggested that there is a 4th wave of the Spirit that is upon us – the Spirit awakening new life in the Church for the sake of God’s mission. It is not primarily an increase in the outpouring of the Spirit for the “internal” life of the Church. Instead, this activity of the Spirit relates more to urging and empowering the Church toward a missionary encounter with the world. This forum will explore how the ministry of the Spirit relates to our engagement in your neighborhoods for the transformative purposes of God.

DBC Sanctuary: Aaron Graham (host), Charles Montgomery, Charlie Self, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson