October 26, 2017 / Mandy Smith

SheLeads because SheFollows

It’s time to set aside the anxiety and division usually associated with gender roles in the church.

It’s time to celebrate what is happening before our eyes: a generation of women stepping into their gifts for the blessing of the Church and the nations.

Here’s what I’m celebrating:

SheLeads in her home, in her city, in the Church.
SheLeads in new ways, to new places.

SheLeads with wisdom and courage.
SheLeads with creativity, with strength, and conviction.
SheLeads with her heart, her head, and her hands.

SheLeads when she feels strong.
SheLeads when she doesn’t.
SheLeads through pain.
SheLeads with dancing.

SheLeads from her own story
For the hope of the world,
For the blessing of others,
In the power of the Spirit.

SheLeads with her sisters.
SheLeads with her brothers.

SheLeads because SheFollows.
SheFollows her heart, her hope, her instinct.
SheFollows her Lord.
And where He leads, SheLeads
So others may follow.

Will you take part in SheLeads Oct 28? It’s not too late. Find a nearby venue or register here to livestream wherever you are.

SheLeads b/c SheFollows. Join us Oct 28 to see women & men coming together for God's mission. Share on X