Missio Alliance
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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
Andrew Arndt
At the Watchtower: An Advent Meditation
Michelle Ferrigno Warren
The Pursuit of Justice Through Proximity, Advocacy, and Faith-Rooted Activism
Mandy Smith
Derek Vreeland
Learning from the Margins: The Difference Between Human and Kingdom Power
Angie Ward
Chris Kamalski
A Dialogue on Kingdom and Country with Angie Ward
Josh Funk
The Unremarkable Growth of Peace in God’s Kingdom
Kyuboem Lee
What Will Keep Us from Building a Church in the Ruins?
Dennae Pierre
Anchoring Prayer for a Time Such as This
Donnell Wyche
Rejecting the Lie that Life Has to Be This Way
Tara Beth Leach
A Call for Pastor-Medics to Help Heal the Church
Amber Mann Riggs
Mending the Church by Expanding the Story of Jesus
Samantha Rauh
Unfiltered: Authenticity in the Kingdom of God
Donnell Wyche
Being Political as God Is Political (Part 1)
Rose Lee-Norman
Jon Houghton
Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Part 2
Josh Funk
Sabbath Politics for a Weary World
Missio Alliance
Crucial Conversations: Kingdom Ethics for our Post-Election Reality, Part Two
Missio Alliance
Crucial Conversations: Kingdom Ethics for our Post-Election Reality, Part One
Fred Liggin
Five Steps to Marathon Together in Peacemaking and Justice Seeking
Missio Alliance
A Pentecost Sunday to Ponder: The Church Finds its Breath to Lament, Grieve, Repent
Wanda Walborn
The Time Is Now for Breakthrough
Eugene Cho
Why Politics Matters…Even During a Pandemic
AJ Sherrill
This Political Moment: A Way Forward in a Divided Age
Seth Richardson
The Hypo-Politicization of the American Church
Mandy Smith
The Difference Between Christian Institutions and the Kingdom
Lucas Pulley
The Parable of the White Pastor
Karen Wilk
Christ the King Sunday: What Does It Mean that Jesus is King?
Matt Ingalls
Classism Exists in the Church—and It’s Hurting All of Us
David Fitch
Reading the Bible Together When We Don’t Agree
Andrea Summers
3 Key Aspects of Mentoring Across the Gender Gap for the Sake of Mission
Joel Yoshonis
The Good News for an Increasingly “Post-Truth” Society
Kayla Craig
Faith Under Construction: The Upside Down Gathering in Chicago
Derek Vreeland
Did Jesus Really Usher in the Kingdom of God?
Nijay Gupta
The Lord’s Prayer, A Missional Reading: Our Father in Heaven
Nicole Watts
Who Belongs? – Kingdom Refugees Responding to a Refugee Crisis
Jason Butler
How Jesus Preached the Kingdom and Flipped the Script on Poverty
Karen Wilk
Are We Really Building the Kingdom?
Ruthie Johnson
More About #TrulyHuman: The Incarnation and the Kingdom of God
Brian Zahnd
How Does the Church Differ From America?
Karen Wilk
Being #TrulyHuman and the Making of Local Theology
Josh Wilson
A Significant, Popular Shift: Looking Back at Scot McKight’s Kingdom Conspiracy
Charles Self
#ChurchTrending: Economic Flourishing and Kingdom Impact
Missio Alliance
Is “the Way of Jesus” Language an Empty Signifier? David Fitch Weighs In
Ruthie Johnson
Unity in the Kingdom: On Faith and Food
Charles Self
The Trinity and Human Flourishing: A New Ode to Joy
Karina Kreminski
Relationships of Welcome, Not Fear
Mark Moore
Changing My Mind on Women in Ministry, Part 2
Karen Wilk
And Isn’t That Something? (Jn. 4:6-30, 39-42)
Felicity Dale
The Bible: A Woman’s View
Charles Self
The Surprises of Pentecost: When the Spirit Comes to All
Karen Wilk
Heaven Bound, No Earthly Good?
Karina Kreminski
Being Single, Being Church, & Being Family
Gary Taylor
The January Paradox
David Fitch
Bruxy Cavey, the Anabaptist Vision and Mission
Efrem Smith
Beloved Worship and the Arts
Efrem Smith
Family as Ministry
Efrem Smith
Marriage as Ministry (Part Two)