The Church’s Call to Justice (w/ Amy Graham & Justin Fung)

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8, ESV)

It’s a familiar verse for many of us. God desires for his people to “do justice.” But what all justice entails and what it means and looks like in our day and age to do justice is not always so easily identified or agreed upon. Nevertheless, as Matthew has it, Jesus came to “proclaim justice to the nations,” (12:18) and to being “justice through to victory” (12:20). More, he faulted the Pharisees for neglecting justice as one of the “more important matters of the law” (23:23). As justice was central to the identity and ministry of Jesus, so it is to be for his Church.

In this week’s workshop, Amy Graham and Justin Fung, pastors at The District Church in Washington DC, explore the topic of justice, situate it within the larger context of how we understand the gospel, and share stories and examples of what justice looks like in their context and what doing justice means for the people in their congregation and city.

  • How have you come to understand justice from biblical and theological perspectives?
  • How does your church do justice?
  • What kinds of resources have been helpful in shaping your thought and practice of justice?

 Justin Fung

Workshop Description:

Why should the church be engaged in social justice? What does social justice have to do with Jesus and the gospel? And what does it look like when the church lives out the call to justice in practice? These are some of the questions that many, especially Millennials, are asking of both their faith and their church. Join us as we discuss how the church’s engagement in and practice of social justice can be more than just a fad, but rooted in a holistic understanding of the gospel.

The audio download of this workshop is available HERE and is available for free all day today, 11/11/13 (discount automatically applied when you add the workshop to your cart).

**If you find resources like this helpful, there are many more available here. You might even want to grab a bundle all at the same time.**

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.