July 11, 2013 / David Fitch

The Proliferation of Missional Roundtables: See You in the Twin Cities Next Weekend

296119_10151749401199225_699018334_nI have been participating in a growing phenomenon: the proliferation of small regional gatherings of missional leaders talking shop. These are gatherings of like minded leaders to discuss issues we’re all facing and the theology that guides what we’re practicing. Little groups of 30 to 40 people that enable a sharing of thoughts. These kind of gatherings are important because it encourages missional types they are not alone. These places enable the sharing of best practices and the lessons we are learning. It challenges us and grows us in how we think about ‘church.’ I always learn something. And the people I meet? Wheew. Awesome. Join us next Saturday July 20 if you live in and around the Twin Cities. Won’t you? I think it’s only 10 bucks to cover the costs. 🙂
You can find all the information here.