November 24, 2015 / Missio Alliance

Theology On Mission #19: Mission or Institution? Our Denominations

Initially revival and mission movements, why do most denominations lose their founding Spirit and settle into an established Letter?

“You make void the word of God by our traditions” says Jesus (Mark 7:13). Is this slow shift from the Spirit to the Letter inevitable?

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“Have our denominations shifted from their spirit of mission to the letter of institution?” wonder Fitch and Holsclaw as they talk about the past and future of denominations and our place within them.

What ya reading?
Paul and His Recent Interpreters ~ N.T. Wright
Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church ~ Darrin Belousek

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131ae72.pngBe sure to check out (or tell others) about Northern Seminary’s exciting new Master of Arts in Theology and Mission where Dave, Geoff and other students and pastors continue learning about the connection between mission and theology.