Discipling People Into Shalom Community w/ Adam Gustine


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God intends the Church to be communities of justice!

Join us as we discuss the practices and principles that disciple people into this just life together!

In this webinar you will:

Find a theological vision for our identity as a just people

Discover how God’s character and the pursuit of shalom can infuse every aspect of your congregational DNA

Learn how to disciple your church into a prophetic alternative to the broken systems of the world and a parable of God’s intentions for human flourishing and societal transformation

Here’s a clip:




Purchase this webinar and receive FREE, the first chapter of Adam’s book Becoming a Just Church, AND access to an online assessment to help you and your church community pursue justice.



Co-produced by Missio Alliance and The Ecclesia Network


Adam L. Gustine leads CovEnterprises, a social enterprise initiative of Love Mercy, Do Justice, for the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is also the founder of Jubilee Ventures, an enterprise incubator in South Bend, Indiana dedicated to extending opportunity, restoration and ownership to the margins. He has pastored multiple churches in a wide variety of contexts and has a doctor of ministry degree from Missio Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Ann, are raising three kids to seek the shalom of their city South Bend.