Reframation: Four Important Questions (and Answers) For YOUR Ministry Context




Bringing Truth and Beauty to Tired, Cramped Religion

We live in a world that is constantly on a pilgrimage, searching and longing for so much more. 

Yet, followers of Jesus struggle to articulate the story of God in a way that brings clarity and understanding to these longings, this world, and our place within it. This inability to recognize and respond aptly is what Walter Brueggemann refers to as a “crisis of interpretation,” a crisis that results in followers of Jesus being robbed of the capacity to speak, to care, and to notice those in the Nevada desert, on a trail in rural Spain, or anywhere in between.

There is a great need for a reframation that allows us to see God, people, and mission through re/enchanted frames. We want to seriously consider how it is that we tell and live the story of God in the midst of this pervading “crisis of interpretation.”

In this webinar you will 

See the “reduction” that is cultural Christianity and how it impacts how we see God

Learn the concept of re/enchanting, and how it helps us see differently, tell a better story and live a more beautiful life, especially as ministry leaders

Discover how ministry leaders use all this to re/learn disciplines and practices that will help us to better perceive and understand the keys to culture


Alan Hirsch

About Alan: Alan is the author of numerous award-winning books on movements, organization, and leadership, and teaches extensively across North America, Europe, and Australia.

He is the founder of 100 Movements, Forge Mission Training Network, Future Travelers, and now 5Q Collective. All these organizations focus on pioneering leadership development and training and consulting in on the church as missional movement.

Mark Nelson

About Mark: Mark is the lead pastor of a faith community called Crossings in the city center of Knoxville, TN. He has over 30 years of experience in vocational ministry including youth ministry, campus ministry, and church planting. He also co-leads the Forge Knoxville Hub and serves on the Forge America board.

Special Host- Krystal Speed

About Krystal: Krystal is the Operations Specialist for Missio Alliance.

Through her company, Krystal Speed Consulting, she provides project management, program design and human capital management services to churches, nonprofits and small businesses. As the HR Strategist with The COO Team, she facilitates the People Academy, a 90 day intensive that helps leaders strategically plan for and address their people needs, while leveling up their systems. She is also the Director of Operations at Old Town Community Church in Alexandria, VA, and a member of their ministerial team.