The Hole in Our Discipleship




Missio Alliance and InterVarsity Press partner together to present two of their key voices in a compelling conversation on the impact of racism in our personal and ministerial journeys. Natasha Sistrunk Robinson (author of A Sojourner’s Truth) and David Swanson (author of Rediscipling the White Church) address how our discipleship has failed to adequately account for and address these forces in our lives and our churches, and what it might look like to name and dismantle racist and white-centered attitudes and perspectives more intentionally. You will also hear about the ways in which discipleship in and through us has been malformed or underformed and gain practical ideas to move forward as lifelong learners of a holistic Gospel.

In this conversation, you will…

  • Hear from two respected and experienced leaders who have written and spoken extensively on this topic
  • Learn about the truths that the church still needs to face regarding the racial inequities that exist in our congregations
  • Understand the biblical grounding for why these kinds of conversations are not anti-gospel, but in fact a reflection of the gospel
  • Discover the ways in which our discipleship journeys have been under- or malformed leading to gaps in the churches where we lead and serve


Natasha Sistrunk Robinson is the President of T3 Leadership Solutions, Inc., and she is a sought-after international speaker, leadership consultant, and executive leadership and mentoring coach with more than 20 years of leadership experience in the military, federal government, church, seminary, and nonprofit sectors. She is the author of A Sojourner’s Truth: Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World, Mentor for Life, its accompanying leader’s training manual, and the Hope for Us Bible study. Natasha is also host of A Sojourner’s Truth: Conversations for a Changing Culture podcast. She is the Visionary Founder and Chairperson of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Leadership LINKS, Inc., where she cultivates a multi-generational Network of influencers who offer leadership education that facilitates impactful living, character and spiritual development. A doctorate student at North Park Theological Seminary, Natasha is also a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Charlotte (cum laude, M.A. Christian Leadership), and the U.S. Naval Academy. Natasha has served her country as a Marine Corps officer and federal government employee at the Department of Homeland Security. Connect with Natasha through her ministry website:  or follow her at @ASISTASJOURNEY on Twitter and Instagram, and @NatashaSistrunkRobinson on Facebook.
David Swanson is the founding pastor of New Community Covenant Church, an intentionally multiracial congregation in Chicago’s Bronzeville community, and serves as CEO of New Community Outreach, a nonprofit working to reduce causes of trauma in the neighborhood. He is a former Director of Church Planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church and the author of a forthcoming book with InterVarsity Press, Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity. He and Maggie have been married for 20 years and they have two sons. You can connect with David online at,, or