Steve Cuss
Steve is the author of Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs published by Thomas Nelson and also host of the podcast of the same name. Steve offers consulting and workshops for faith leaders and organizations to help them name and move through sources of anxiety and build team health. You can learn more at
He cut his teeth on leadership anxiety when serving as a chaplain at a level one trauma hospital at 24 years of age. Steve also immersed himself in family systems theory in graduate school. He currently serves as a Lead Pastor of Discovery Christian Church in Denver, Colorado. Discovery intentionally welcomes spiritual seekers and skeptics and is passionate about partnerships that break the local and global poverty cycle and using their land and people resources to address chronic needs of the under resourced in their city. Steve has sixteen hundred hours of supervised ministry in Clinical Pastoral Education and an MDiv from Emmanuel Christian Seminary.
He was privileged to grow up in Perth, Western Australia, in an adventurous family of origin. After moving to the United States for theological study, he married Lisa and together they have two sons and a daughter, in whom he takes great delight. When not working, you can find him laughing with family, knee-deep in a trout stream, or trying a guitar he cannot afford at a local music store.
Steve Cuss
Steve is the author of Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs published by Thomas Nelson and also host of the podcast of the same name. Steve offers consulting and workshops for faith leaders and organizations to help them name and move through sources of anxiety and build team health. You can learn more at
He cut his teeth on leadership anxiety when serving as a chaplain at a level one trauma hospital at 24 years of age. Steve also immersed himself in family systems theory in graduate school. He currently serves as a Lead Pastor of Discovery Christian Church in Denver, Colorado. Discovery intentionally welcomes spiritual seekers and skeptics and is passionate about partnerships that break the local and global poverty cycle and using their land and people resources to address chronic needs of the under resourced in their city. Steve has sixteen hundred hours of supervised ministry in Clinical Pastoral Education and an MDiv from Emmanuel Christian Seminary.
He was privileged to grow up in Perth, Western Australia, in an adventurous family of origin. After moving to the United States for theological study, he married Lisa and together they have two sons and a daughter, in whom he takes great delight. When not working, you can find him laughing with family, knee-deep in a trout stream, or trying a guitar he cannot afford at a local music store.