S3E7 – Stephen Roach – certainty and mystery, beauty and creativity


In this episode, Doug and J.R. chat about the way scripture has been forming them recently, and they end the argument for the ages on which translation is the best… just kidding. However, we do talk about the translations—specifically which one(s) we use and why.

Our interview this week is with Stephen Roach. Recently, J.R. met Stephen sharing a Lyft ride together in Nashville, and now we are interviewing him on MMP. Stephen and his wife founded the Breath and the Clay, a creative arts gathering exploring the intersections of art, faith & culture. Our conversation with Stephen offers an in-depth perspective on creativity as an attribute of God and something that needs to be pursued as living out our faith. If you are an artist, maker, creator of things, worship leader, musician, creative, or know someone who is, this interview gives a framework to cultivate creative curiosity. And, you will look forward to J.R.’s next Lyft ride.



  • Send an email, grab a coffee, call up, or write a handwritten letter to encourage a creative person in your community. Consider sitting down and asking, “how can we see creativity flourish in our community?”

  • How might you cultivate curiosity, attentiveness, and observation in the next week?

If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts for the show drop us a line, at dougmoister@gmail.com or jrbriggs@kairospartnerships.org. Make sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this with other pastors and kingdom leaders. We hope to see the MMP community grow and cannot do it without you.

Monday morning pastor is a ministry of is brought to you by a partnership between https://www.missioalliance.org/ and https://www.kairospartnerships.org/podcast.