S5: E7 The Shape of Liturgy

Evangelicals have discovered liturgy and non-denominational kids are becoming sacramental adults! What are we to make of this liturgical turn? Fitch and Mike look at the trends of evangelicals on the “Canterbury Trail,” and offer some considerations for those who have discovered a new love for liturgy.

Here are four considerations:

1) Keep it accessible
2) Keep the bible central
3) Keep it cultural engaged
4) Keep pace and order

Here are the posts we are engaging with from Missio Alliance and The Gospel Coalition



Want to read more about liturgy? We suggest:

-Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail by Robert Webber

-Reaching out Without Dumbing Down by Marva Dawn

-Liturgical Theology by Simon Chan

-The Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom by Alexander Schmemann

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